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Curious minds

In case you were wondering.

Why the name yellowdot


When I first started making it and wanted people to taste it, I would put a large dot of it on their plate for them to dip their food into. A dot of yellow? Yellowdot...yea that's it.


Does yellowdot have a shelf life?


The production of each batch is a work of art. The process to create it is slow & kept to small controlled batches. It is recommended that it be refrigerated after opening and consumed within 6 months of the batch date. Trust me, it won't even last that long. Incidentially if you're a food nerd then you may also get turned on by the fact that it has a pH level of 3.4.


What is slo-batch?


It's a play on words that stems from three things:


1) In hommage to The Slow Movement which advocates a cultural shift toward slowing down life's pace and what better way to do that than with great people and food. It began with Carlo Petrini's, founder of the Slow Food movement, protest against the opening of a McDonald's restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, Rome in 1986. A man after my own heart.

2) The word slow "slo" as in artfully crafted in small quanitites.

3) You'll have to email me what you think this last one is.



Why bottled in glass?


I'm glad you asked. Because there are no preservatives used in the sauce other than what is natural like vinegar, I did not want to use anything that could potential make the hot sauce unstable, change the flavor or create an opportunity for anything to leach into it. Hence no plastic squeeze bottle. Maybe down the road I'll find a unique solution but until then, enjoy your sunshine unadulterated.  


What does it mean if the sauce separates?​


It means there are no preservatives and the larger particles sink to the bottom. Just shake it and you're good to go. 


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